Make sure you have the spelling of your email account correct because you will need to receive an activation email. 确保电子邮件帐户拼写正确,因为您需要接收一封激活电子邮件。
Sending messages from your ISP account may require you to be connected to that provider in order to receive permission to use the e-mail server. 使用isp帐户发送邮件可能需要连接到该提供商,以便获得使用电子邮件服务器的权限。
A British financial system in which a bank or a post office transfers money from one account to another when they receive authorization to do so. 银行或邮局将钱从一个帐号转入另一个帐号的英国的金融体制。
As your account is a monthly one, we hope to receive your remittance in settlement at an early date. 因你方帐目是按月结算的,我们希望早日收到你方汇款便结帐。
When packing, please take into account that the boxes are likely to receive rough handling. 在包装时,请考虑到箱子可能要经受野蛮的装卸。
Check folders from the selected account to include in send/ receive 从所选择的帐户中选中要包括在发送/接收中的文件夹
If you are using an Internet e-mail account, you can choose how often outlook communicates with your Internet e-mail server to send and receive messages. 如果正在使用internet电子邮件帐户,则可以选择outlook与internet电子邮件服务器通讯进行发送和接收邮件的频率。
There is an account of their hesitation to receive him when they saw him approaching. 有一个记载说当他们看见他走近时,踌躇不前,不愿迎接他。
If you have your account set to automatically approve affiliate relationship requests then the affiliate will receive commission for that order and will be added to your listing of active affiliates. 如果您把您的帐户设为自动批准代销商的代销关系建立请求,那么代销商将从他们所促成的订单中获得佣金,而且这些代销商将被添加到您的激活代销商列表中。
All you need is either a bank account for direct deposit, Paypal, or an address to receive plain old checks! 你需要的只是直接存款、Paypal,或者地址吸收普通旧检查的任一银行账户!
Taking the characteristics of the three registers into account, we use the data register of the parallel interface to transmit data, the state register to receive data and synchronize clock and the control register to control the transceiver's PTT in this paper. 针对这3个寄存器特点,采用计算机并行接口数据寄存器发送数据,状态寄存器接收数据和同步时钟,控制寄存器控制电台PTT。
But taking more than position reports into account, there are messages to be transmitted related to others service. It will increase channel load and decrease channel throughout performance and impact the receive and management of message from AIS station in VTS. 但是考虑到VTS区域将来除船位报告外,还要发送和各种服务相关的信息数据,这使得信道的负载增加,网络的吞吐性能降低,影响VTS区域的AIS岸台对船舶数据接收和管理。